We must become the change we want to see in the world. -- Mohandas Gandhi.
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. -- Thomas Jefferson
I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success...
such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.
-- Nikola Tesla
Search This Blog
31 December 2006
Blast from the Past
Anyways, so we were looking at these air-bake pans, I look up, and out of my mouth comes "hey Becca". Some of you may remember Becca as an original member of Cyberbia and one of the co-founders of the Valentines' Vampyr Masquerade Ball.
Well, see, the wierd thing is that instead of saying "hey, haven't seen you in 8 years" or "wait, I think I recognize you", or some such long-term reminder... I just said "hey" as she was walking by. Kinda odd....
She moved up here about a month after I did. She is married now. Has a little boy (2 I think?). I know that she would love to see some of you (Zach, Janneke, etc) so I'll make sure to pass on your contact info next time I talk with her (sorry didn't have my phone on me at the time).
30 December 2006
News from the Net
If you thought your last Ford was a piece of crap, wait until your new Ford has Windows installed.
As conspiracy theories abound, Judge Gary appears to have joined the conspirators camp by disallowing proof that the electronic voting machines are not working correctly to be gathered.
Oh, this is too good to be true. So this common parasite can make women more attractive and men more stupid.
Cracking Tor anonymity with heat?
Cloned meat and milk coming to a grocery store near you.
Ever wonder what is under all that ice in Greenland? Well, researchers plan to know within the next year. In somewhat related news, one of Canada's remaining 6 ice shelves broke off... It was the size of about 11000 football fields and over 3000 years old.
Found the perfect job for you... Make fake moondust for NASA.
A new flu vaccine is supposedly going to provide complete immunity.
In a recent study, they found that today's youth are no longer excited about space travel. I guess that's what we get when we let schools and politicians rattle on about "impossible" things (that always end up happening later).
OneDOJ: The new massive Justice Department database, being offered to law enforcement. "You know why I pulled you over Jimmy? Well, it says here that the FBI has been watching you for suspicion of not liking the president. Ok, get out of the car and put your hands behind your head. We'll show you what patriotism really means." Ok, well, the article didn't see that, but I could see it happening.
Earthquake disrupts the VIRTUAL currency market...?
Ok, this is awesome... There is a proposed extension to HTML to allow you to tag content at any level (paragraph, link, whatever) to be Not Safe for Work... and then, the idea goes, you could configure your browser to block NSFW content while not blocking the rest... Of course, for this to work, the IT department would have to quit blocking the entire site... but if this became common place, I could definitely see stateful packet inspection on the routers auto-blocking the NSFW content instead of blacklisting sites.
AT&T appears to be desperate about their merger with BellSouth.
You might remember me telling you recently about M$ bribing people... Well, it appears that someone who got one of these bribe laptops is auctioning it off and giving the proceeds to the EFF ;) Others are starting to follow suit, and now M$ is begging for them back. That's awesome.
Although I usually avoid Yahoo!, I think I am still subscribed to some of their message boards... Well, that was, until Yahoo! took down their message boards.
Robots will beginning crawling around under New Orleans.
This is interesting... 100 facts we didn't know last year. Here, I'll wet your appetite: The lion costume in the film 'Wizard of Oz' was made from real lions.
A team at Intel made a game that runs entirely in Google Earth.
29 December 2006
Major Changes to my Blog
Then the other day, I noticed that Blogger had maintained their own copy of my blogs... So, by telling them to go ahead and host it (instead of us) I was able to recover all 965 posts! That was awesome!
But, then I also had the Myspace Blog. Due to Myspace being so slow, crashing all the time, and consistently forcing me to log in again and again, I went ahead and said screw it, and decided to no longer update the myspace blog.
Today, I spent all day, but managed to integrate all 466 MySpace blog entries into this blog. There are some artifacts from this...
First, since I didn't want to use the Myspace-defined categories here, I went ahead and killed those categories. Instead, every ex-Myspace blog entry has a "MyspaceBlog" category, so that it is easy to select the entire group. I also went through and marked the News from the Net ;)
Another artifact was that Blogger + GData had serious problems posting comments. First, it wouldn't allow me to specify anyone else as the author. Ok, I can find a work around by simply posting who originally did it.. But, then it crashed with 1/2 the HTML I tried to use. So, to get around this issue, I said screw it and put the comments inline... While not required, I also modified my template to allow me to specify the colors, and now my comments look just like they did on myspace.
The other artifact is with the RSS feed. Even though it allowed me to publish them in the past, the RSS feed shows that they were updated most recently, so they will most likely show up in any RSS feed readers. Sorry - but I thought it was more important to get all my personal blogs integrated.
While there may be some temporary issues with the switch, I now have my original blog, my myspace blog, and my current blog all integrated. If you are looking for something specific, try the search box at the top left of the screen (or one of the labels if they are appropriate).
Thanks for your patience.
28 December 2006
Avascular Necrosis
So, the doctor from my appointment yesterday just called. He said the radiologists was looking at my x-rays and noticed what looked like Avascular Necrosis in both hips... specifically, he said lack of blood supply to the femur which could lead to hip fracture. He said I need to see an Orthopedic Surgeon soon... not necessarily in the next week or two, but definitely not 6 months down the road.
I tried to find some info on it, and I found this and this.
Mini News from the Net
In somewhat related news, the government is to start using Full Disk Encryption on all computers.
Those skywatchers out there will like this.
Hassium-270 produced.
HD-DVD and Blu-Ray DRM cracked.
27 December 2006
News from the Net
Dr. Ajay P. Kothari, President and CEO, founded Astrox in 1987. Dr. Kothari has been the project leader on a number of projects for the NASA, Air Force, Navy, Army, as well as McDonnell Douglas Corporation (now Boeing).Scientists are looking at using algae for biofuel for much the same reason as hemp for fiber - it grows so darned fast.
It looks like Apple is in trouble now for faking stock option documents.
Looks like PayPal at least made a headline that will make me consider trusting them again.
A new telescope looks for Earth-sized planets.
Micro$ofts' latest bribes...
If you ever get the chance to buy a demo PS3 system, DON'T
If you are in Asia, you are most likely already aware of the major tsunami-caused internet outage.
I actually saw this on the news this morning too, but... Gerald Ford died today. You may remember him as the vice president and president who never was elected and who pardoned Nixon after Nixon put him in office.
Control your Roomba from the Wii controller.
Why we Procrastinate
And then hybrids become less desirable.
New AmigoOS? Man, now I need to find a Dactyl Nightmare machine ;)
Some people are taking drastic steps against the new passports.
Deer capture Poachers?
Nobel Laureate speaks out... Specifically, I love this quote: Knowledge is like a candle, when one candle lights another it does not diminish its light.
Best buy has a new plan... ConnectedLife.
Surgery Postponed
26 December 2006
Blogging Mayhem
As someone that might be diagnosed with the buzz-acronymns OCD and ADD... I have to say... this new approach might actually work.
One of the problems I have had over the last few years is that most of my notes take the form of emails that I send myself reminding myself to do something, which then sit in my inbox for a year or so before I notice it is there... Which gets really bad if the title is something like "check this out".
So, what I am trying to do is to keep multiple blogs with the topics completely seperate... So while this blog may be my normal everyday blog, I also have one for doing home improvement, one for real estate research, one for electric vehicle research, etc.
Then, I have a 2-part interaction with the blogs. On one hand, if I have some burning idea I have to write down, I can load that specific blog (usually from the dashboard) and write the entry, then ignore that topic... The second thing I can do is, if I wish to research a specific topic, I can open that specific blog and not get distracted by lots of other ideas within view (which was very common with the email organization).
It still has to be seen whether this will work long term for me... we'll see.
25 December 2006
DIY Projects
Personally, I would love to do 3D scanning... in this case, with a webcam :)
Now this is kewl. Self-parking Legos :)
Create your Dream Kitchen
Build your own Robotic Hand
A whole bunch of laser stuff, including building a $10 N2 laser. Or maybe you would rather draw with them.
Build your own HD projector (part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7)
This magazine can help you generate power at home.
How about some touchpanels? If you are going to completely automate your house (or turn all your walls into touchpanels) might be economical to figure out how to do it yourself.
A 3-level chessboard.
High-speed photography... some example pics included.
Now this is really kinda kewl... How about a Custom Lego Set?
Or maybe your own cell phone? (more here)
Or maybe you would like to build your own cat tree/perch?
Or you can be creative and come up with a design of your very own using eMachineShop, Pad2Pad, SparkFun Electronics or other similar sites.
Mini News from the Net
Or perhaps you'd prefer a winged jetpack?
Well, an inhabited island has sunk below the ocean surface due to rising waters. Oh that's right, what global warming.
Europe's largest dinosaur found in Spain.
24 December 2006
Kitten Selection cont...
Mini News from the Net
You want your (or your friends') name to be sent to Mars?
More blunders of the Secure Flight program.
Mommy? What's a Penguin?
Kitten Selection

Dino and I have been discussing what type of kitten we would like to get... I thought I would go ahead and start posting notes and research to help us decide....
First of all, I am not usually into splotches, etc... But I think the Bengal spots (shown here) are kinda kewl.
One other thing we haven't really decided yet... On one hand, we would like our kitty to be an indoor/outdoor cat.. but do to Punky having Feline Leukemia, and that it can be transmitted cat-2-cat... We think that the neighborhood cats (you remember those scroungy ones that always got into fights with him?) probably have it. If so, letting our kitties outside would make them at high risk for leukemia.... The other option is indoor only. If they are going to be indoor only, we are debating getting two from different litters and not having them fixed. Partially because Dino felt bad that Shady seemed to want kitties and couldn't have them. But, realistically, if we are going to purchase Exotic cats, we might as well let them breed and get ourselves a litter down the road :)
Wikipedia has an article about List of Cat Breeds.

Starting with the Bengal above, they are bred to be friendly yet look wild (specifically like an Asian Leopard). The Savannah cat is characterized as a dog in a cat's body. The Serengeti is an attempt to make a cat that looks like the Savannah without using recently wild cat breeds. The Toyger is meant to look like a Tiger. The Cheetoh (to the right) is to look like a Cheetah and is known to be "extremely large size".

Surprisingly, with almost no fur and no whiskers, the Sphynx cat is worse for allergy sufferers than normal longer-haired cats, because it does not deposit its fur onto furniture and clothing.
Munchkin Cats are short-legged... Looking around, it appears to be a spontaneous mutation, but there also seems to be a breed based on it.
The Habari cats also look like leopards...

Here's a snippet from the Austin Zoo:
Wild Cats -- A variety of wild cats have been turned over to the zoo for a number of Tigers are the most purchased cat followed by Cougars, Bobcats and Lions. The Austin zoo is contacted 6 to 10 times each year by an unhappy wild cat keeper.
Many varieties of house cats are large and beautiful. A Maine Coon cat is a very large, durable house cat. This breed of cat has a reputation of being good with children.
Although some breeds of cats have distinguishing colors, many different kinds of cats can have a tabby coloring. In fact, different tabbies are actually similar to the wild cats in their coloring. The classic tabby has dark markings in the form of swirls, sometimes making a bulls eye on the cat's sides. Mackerel tabbies resemble little tigers. There is also a spotted tabby, which resemble a tiny Ocelot. A Lynx Point cat will
have tabby markings on the face, ears, legs and tail. If your favorite is the black panther, there are a large variety of black cats from which to choose.
Many of these cats are homeless and truly need the care and love of a guardian. An adopted cat quickly becomes attached to its new owner. House cats are much easier to care for and much less expensive. Best of all, a grown domestic cat will never look at your friends as a potential meal.
To be continued....
23 December 2006
News from the Net has Migrated
And onto the News from the Net....
Google is now the 2nd most visited site
Librarians have decided to go Open Source... Take a look at their public demo or their experimental one. Personally, I think they should get Kudos for surviving Slashdotting
Well, once again, M$ seems to not care whether technology is already common place... They are trying to Patent RSS. Knowing the Patent Office, they'll probably allow it.
The White House has now resorted to publicly censoring the New York Times
$50k print and bind on-demand machine may well stop some of my plans before they start
Rolex is sponsoring a new school to train horologists
If you have an Intel-based Mac, you may want to try VMWare Fusion to run Linux and Windows on it
A hacker gets convicted based on his google search
I'm not going to issue and personal opinions of this matter, but well worth thinking about
A Republican Communications Director tried to hire hackers to change his educational records
Well, it's the beginning of the end... You can now download the GPL version of Java
If you don't think this holiday gift guide is interesting, look for the word "serial" on page two :)
In the wake of another lawsuit starting, the RIAA suffers another partial loss
Emirate Airlines now allow cell phone use in the air
A new USB hub enables sharing of peripherals between computers
It appears that Google has finally heard the suggestion I have been spreading, and are going to make their own phone
If you use Palm OS, this will interest you
More efficient 65nm Athlon 64 X2 has come
We've Moved!
With the switch to blogspot, it appears that they have been recovered. I am sure some images and links are broken now, but at least it has been recovered.
I have not yet decided if I will continue to update this blog or not... but for now, it is here.
Flesh Gordon?
WILL POWER!![]() | Awesome! Posted by WILL POWER! on Sun Dec 24 12:42:00 PST 2006 |
Mr Oax![]() | Well THAT certainly explains things! :D Posted by Mr Oax on Tue Dec 26 01:29:00 PST 2006 |
22 December 2006
Court House
So I am actually going to be blogging this elsewhere, but, I thought you would all enjoy this little tidbit...
So Brett and I went out to the Hillsboro Court House today, to attend an auction.
When I went in, drop my keys and wallet and such in the basket. One of them picks up my keys, looks at them, hands them to another one. They mumble to each other a bit, then...
The older guard says "Do you have an SGC card for this?" holding up one of my better handcuff keys (have 5 sizes on my keyring).
I look at him, a bit confused, and say "Wha?".
"Are you a security guard? Why do you have this?"
"Uh, no. I'm into Bondage."
"You can't bring this in here. Where did you get this?"
"You can get them at any adult store", sounding confused.
Needless to say, once I dropped my handcuff keys off back in the car, they let me go in... but... hehe... Still glad I told the old guy it was for Bondage :)
Layne![]() | Only you Malachi. Love you and see you soon. Posted by Layne on Fri Dec 22 03:37:00 PST 2006 |
Sarah![]() | ROFL, That sounds about right. Do you have a permit for that cat of 9, Mal????? HUH????
Posted by Sarah on Fri Dec 22 04:14:00 PST 2006 |
WILL POWER!![]() | I have a permit for my anal lube. You should probably get one for the cuffs. Posted by WILL POWER! on Fri Dec 22 07:40:00 PST 2006 |
Sylkwyrm![]() | OMG! I love you sweety! ![]() Posted by Sylkwyrm on Fri Dec 22 22:22:00 PST 2006 |
21 December 2006
News from the Net
Looks like your local telecom companies can now choose to only service rich neighborhoods....
150 million year old 2-headed reptile fossil found.
107Gbps sent 100 miles in USA
Ok, I won't tell you what this is - but make sure to look at pic #7 for a good laugh :)
If you bought any of these CDs you should grab your claim form since Sony BMG is settling the lawsuit
Top 10 Geekiest Animals
Want to live longer? Drink a couple drinks of alcohol a day - but don't go over
Doctor Who and Red Dwarf legally available on Peer-2-Peer!!!
Autodesk sues to keep AutoCAD format closed
South Korea and China have mandated no proprietary chargers and data cables are allowed for cell phones anymore - the companies must use USB
Google drops the SOAP API
NASA once again thinks they have discovered something...
WarGames 2: The Dead Code began filming one month ago
Good moods prevent colds
Don't have a police bloodhound? Try a college student instead :)
Well, shortly after Nintendo started recalling the Wiimotes, a class action lawsuit has been filed
Linking to copyrighted material illegal in Australia..... Since every page on the internet usually has a copyright, wouldn't that make ALL linking illegal? Idiots.
How about a solar skyscraper that rotates?
An interesting look at power usage in an apartment
For the geek in your dying to do some research, try to figure out what the implications are that a material with negative refractive index has been created
What do you get when you cross a propeller, an umbrella design and hot air? Give up? A new type of blimp
Oooh... High-performance flexible organic transistors mass produced.
Co-pilots are to gain most of their flight experience from simulators instead of actual flight on smaller planes
UK gets world's largest wind farm
20 December 2006
Dante's Inferno Test
Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge
Many and varied sinners suffer eternally in the multi-leveled Malebolge, an ampitheatre-shapped pit of despair Wholly of stone and of an iron colour: Those guilty of fraudulence and malice; the seducers and pimps, who are whipped by horned demons; the hypocrites, who struggle to walk in lead-lined cloaks; the barraters, who are ducked in boiling pitch by demons known as the Malebranche. The simonists, wedged into stone holes, and whose feet are licked by flames, kick and writhe desperately. The magicians, diviners, fortune tellers, and panderers are all here, as are the thieves. Some wallow in human excrement. Serpents writhe and wrap around men, sometimes fusing into each other. Bodies are torn apart. When you arrive, you will want to put your hands over your ears because of the lamentations of the sinners here, who are afflicted with scabs like leprosy, and lay sick on the ground, furiously scratching their skin off with their nails. Indeed, justice divine doth smite them with its hammer.
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Very High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Very High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very High |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Moderate |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very High |
Level 7 (Violent) | Very High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Extreme |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | High |
Take the Dante's Inferno Test
Sylkwyrm![]() | DAMN! "Very High, Very High, Very High, Moderate, Very High,Very High, Extreme!" You are one HELL of a guy! Posted by Sylkwyrm on Wed Dec 20 12:16:00 PST 2006 |
Malachi![]() | Hey, I had two Very Low! Posted by Malachi on Wed Dec 20 12:21:00 PST 2006 |
Sarah![]() | I was reading the explanation of your hell and I thought it was a description of your sex life...oh well.... Posted by Sarah on Fri Dec 22 04:13:00 PST 2006 |
Sylkwyrm![]() | Much better then the preview in the theater. Posted by Sylkwyrm on Wed Dec 20 11:04:00 PST 2006 |
19 December 2006
Bengal Kittens

Then today, came across another post about the same kittens. Accoding to their website, they already sold off half of the kittens, but... I thought I would provide the links so you can all see some pics of some cute kitties...
Silver![]() | OH THEY ARE SO ADORABLE... *snif so cute. so very very cute... Posted by Silver on Tue Dec 19 00:35:00 PST 2006 |
Sarah![]() | They certainly are lookers! Posted by Sarah on Tue Dec 19 06:59:00 PST 2006 |
Sylkwyrm![]() | I Love da Kitties! ![]() Posted by Sylkwyrm on Tue Dec 19 11:07:00 PST 2006 |
Google Map update
Let's look at an example... This map shows the default path GoogleMap suggests for me to go to the County Recorder's office.... But, what if I didn't want to take one of those roads? Well, in this map, I simply specified 2 intersections I wanted to go through.
Looks like it is finally time for me to update my TripPlanner software to use GoogleMaps...
Sylkwyrm![]() | Well since mapquest removed that functionality it is good to see google adding it Posted by Sylkwyrm on Mon Dec 18 22:58:00 PST 2006 |
Malachi![]() | Well, actually, still can't do the TripPlanner functionality... it did the shortest route (ie: solved the travelling salesman problem)... I'm sure if Google saw this post, they could add that functionality in a few hours... otherwise, it is up to me to do it. Maybe I should just suggest it to them. Posted by Malachi on Mon Dec 18 23:03:00 PST 2006 |
Malachi![]() | Ok, I suggested it to them Posted by Malachi on Mon Dec 18 23:10:00 PST 2006 |
18 December 2006
News from the Net
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) gets Sun's ZFS
Are you looking forward to the "security" of the new E-Passport? Well, that's good news for identity thieves, since they can clone it in under 5 minutes
$650k in six days in Mac Shareware?
Taxi Drivers grow more brain cells than you?
Would you elect a chess grandmaster for President?
I guess the military got tired of using Dolphins, cuz now DARPA is funding sharks as spies
Ummm. maybe I should explain history to PhysicsWeb... I'll speak slowly.... It's...called...hyperspace... (you know, hypercube, hypersphere, whatever).. I'm not saying that is what the universe it, just that they are trying so desperately to explain a theory we have read about in fiction books for almost a century.
Want to embed a softphone widget in your page?
Near complete-cure found for Diabetes
Zero-day Windows Vista exploit for sale for $50k
Would you like an inside look at the special efx of Pirates of the Caribbean
First launch from the mid-Atlantics' commercial spaceport
The US Geological Survey is being censored by Bush
WILL POWER!![]() | Maybe Bush thinks that if they let the world get fucked up enough Jesus will come back and start the final battle between good and evil. USE GEOLOGICAL CENSORSHIP TO BRING ON ARMAGEDDON! Posted by WILL POWER! on Mon Dec 18 11:02:00 PST 2006 |
Sarah![]() | Direct quote from Bush, "There ain't no damn dirt. The whole thing is a high pile of lies!" Posted by Sarah on Tue Dec 19 06:58:00 PST 2006 |
16 December 2006
Black Light Miniature Golf
Sylkwyrm![]() | can you imagine this on acid? ;-) Posted by Sylkwyrm on Sat Dec 16 08:36:00 PST 2006 |
WILL POWER!![]() | Ever seen indoor ultra violet miniature golf? Ever seen indoor ultra violet miniature golf ON WEED? Posted by WILL POWER! on Sat Dec 16 08:38:00 PST 2006 |
Sylkwyrm![]() | LOL! ![]() Posted by Sylkwyrm on Sat Dec 16 13:17:00 PST 2006 |
News from the Net
The FCC dropped Morse Code as a requirement for amateur radio certifications
Now M$ and the Patent Office conspire to patent emoticons on email messages
Google releases Custom IE7... Too bad I already had Google set as my homepage and the Google Toolbar installed or I would download it.
Since companies are planning on having tourists in space in the next year-ish, the FAA has released requirements for Space Tourism
HP is being sued for sellings PCs preinstalled with Windows - which evidentally violates French law
So the FCC gathers data on which cell phone carriers are more reliable, but won't tell you due to "national security risk"... Or maybe this is there way of saying "Nyah nyah Na Nya nya - I know something you don't know"
This is why you don't want to be a German computer game developer
Ever wonder how Skype works behind your firewall?
Sylkwyrm![]() | Anyone else think that game develpment in the US will mirror Germany if Bush stays in power? :-S Posted by Sylkwyrm on Sat Dec 16 08:50:00 PST 2006 |
15 December 2006
Modoc County
veluxx![]() | oh the desolation Posted by veluxx on Fri Dec 15 08:36:00 PST 2006 |
jessie![]() | they don't even sell it very well! i like how they show a "typical California pines lot" as having 1 or 2 pines and a LOT of scrub brush. "ooohh honey! let's move onto prime forest fire land!" or let's not. Posted by jessie on Fri Dec 15 09:36:00 PST 2006 |
Malachi![]() | It's mostly sage brush and juniper... And well, since it is 4500' AND the valley, it also gets snow 2/3rd of the year; and extreme heat the other 1/3. Posted by Malachi on Fri Dec 15 09:38:00 PST 2006 |
10 Tech Concepts You Need to Know for 2007
Bendable Concrete
PRAM (Phase-Change Random Access Memory)
Printed Solar Panels
Passport Hacking
Vehicle Infrastructure Integration
Body Area Network
Plasma Arc Gasification
VoN (Video on the Net)
Smart Pills
Data Cloud
jessie![]() | blinkblink. blinkblinkblink. oh i get it! no, i don't. blinkblinkblink. Posted by jessie on Fri Dec 15 09:38:00 PST 2006 |
Sylkwyrm![]() | Take notes there will be a quiz at the end of the year ;-) Posted by Sylkwyrm on Sat Dec 16 13:19:00 PST 2006 |
Malachi![]() | Me or Jessie? ;) Posted by Malachi on Sat Dec 16 13:34:00 PST 2006 |
News from the Net
Hehe. This mentions Wierd Al AND the Daily Show
In case you missed the news this morning, warning for Wii users
OMG! OMG! OMFG! New Stargate Series in the works!
What a surprise... Microsoft Word once again exploited
Homeland Security Director getting desperate after the public realize his plans are completely useless
Scientists speak out against our government for interference
Futurama continues
Sylkwyrm![]() | Nerd Rappers? Thats Fucking 4w50m3! Posted by Sylkwyrm on Fri Dec 15 09:35:00 PST 2006 |
14 December 2006
Toys from the Net
SparrowHawk![]() | You know that's kind of cool, in a creepy kind of way. :) Posted by SparrowHawk on Thu Dec 14 02:00:00 PST 2006 |
Silver![]() | What no hemlock? no Wolf's bane? come on... they could have put so much more in there, ALOE? What self-respecting cemetary lurker likes aloe... "mm, good for the skin" NO. BAD. Down boy... Posted by Silver on Thu Dec 14 02:30:00 PST 2006 |
WILL POWER!![]() | Kind of neat, but I want those flytraps! Posted by WILL POWER! on Thu Dec 14 02:48:00 PST 2006 |
News from the Net
Put some movies online, make no money and go to Prison
Web-based Animated Star Trek series?
Microsoft officially enters the robotic forum
I thought this has been true all along, but I guess it is now illegal to melt coins
Want your own Wii controller? Er, I mean, "handheld pointing device that works in mid-air"
How about a MythTV in-a-box?
More info on the new hybrid hard drives
UK wants to ban RPGs and Hentai?
Wtf? Are they saying that soon I can go on disability for my Internet addiction? I mean, come on, I was addicted to the BBS scene before that.
Bad Google. No cookie. They have patented ornamental design for a GUI
Wow! Mozart's works are now free
More Mars Discoveries???
Looks like Sony is about to be busted. Federal Trade Commission investigates Viral Marketing
So you remember the whole liquid-on-airplane restriction scandal? Well, evidentally, the guy they arrested that was supposedly ground zero for this problem is facing forgery charges, not terrorist charges
13 December 2006
Mini News from the Net
You can now access the Google Patent Search or the Advanced Search... Then you too can get these 851 patents I found by searching for 'Tesla'. Of course, searching for the Inventor 'Tesla' only found 89 results.
Sylkwyrm![]() | NEAT! Posted by Sylkwyrm on Wed Dec 13 11:57:00 PST 2006 |
News from the Net
Evidentally, the place most similar to Earth in our Solar System is Titan... Too bad it is -178*C on the surface.
After 20 million years, the white dolphin has gone extinct. That's the first mammal in 50 years to be known to go extinct
New Zealand finds their first land mammal fossil
Looks like an alternative to Comcast cable is a block away
Quantum Cryptography available next year???
Chinese don't allow online games to have religious or political material or for the players to cross-dress.
Google's new scheme for stock options
Interplay is spending $75 million on their new Fallout MMOG
Meteor shower tonight
So now that Illinois lost its ban on violent video games, the judge has ordered them to pay $510250 in legal fees by 12/18 or else
RIM crippled the Bluetooth speeds on the BlackBerry
Want to start your own Laser Etching Business? They'll show you how.
OpenOffice 2.1 released
When you think of Texas, do you think about people randomly shooting guns at things? Well, now the blind can randomly shoot things too... Well, they might hit something unintended, but at least it would be legal.
Designer company makes HMD
The National Center for Atmospheric Research says Santa may sink by 2040
One year until you too can have sea snail toxin take your pain away
Once again, the USA is beat technologically by another country, this time the Netherlands... They have ended transmission of analog TV
Google Web Toolkit now available under Apache license, if you would like to hack their Java to Javascript compiler ;)
Wikipedia Founder plans to give away web hosting
WILL POWER!![]() | Sad that mankind is resposible for yet another animal extinction. Posted by WILL POWER! on Wed Dec 13 08:57:00 PST 2006 |
12 December 2006
News from the Net
Sony behind fake viral campaign again... I wonder if Google has the balls to drop them for breaking the agreement
Ok, it's official... John McCain is an evil immoral Republican... He is trying to extend federal obscenity laws that would fine you $300k for not reporting a post to a blog or mailing list... Specifically, targets: These types of individuals or businesses would be required to file reports: any Web site with a message board; any chat room; any social-networking site; any e-mail service; any instant-messaging service; any Internet content hosting service; any domain name registration service; any Internet search service; any electronic communication service; and any image or video-sharing service.
Identity theft at UCLA
Virginia is going to require sex offenders to register their email and IM names so that their communications can be monitored
I'm sure some of you know how kewl it is to print OLED's with standard inkjet printing tech... How about printing biological tissue in the same way
If any of you are into Microsoft (not me) and/or C# (not me) you might be interested in the new free XNA Game Studio Express for writing games for Windows and XBox
Those of you who have see An Inconvenient Truth might find it interesting that many new species were found under Antarctica
New version of VLC released
Wonder what the Sense of Smell and Quantum Physics have in common
Ultrawideband to be legal in Europe in 6 months
Consumer Reports reports on cell phone companies
So would you call the person who predicts space weather a meteorologist?
There has been significant progress in storing data in semiconductors
11 December 2006
I won't say who I thought of when I saw it ;)
Layne![]() | I want one!!! Posted by Layne on Mon Dec 11 02:30:00 PST 2006 |
WILL POWER!![]() | I would sue the shit out of a company that didn't hire me because I smoked. Posted by WILL POWER! on Mon Dec 11 05:46:00 PST 2006 |
Mr Oax![]() | I understand that people want to run an efficient, financially stable business...but these people need to be slapped in their heads with some boards. Posted by Mr Oax on Mon Dec 11 23:53:00 PST 2006 |
News from the Net
Scientists have evidence that humans showed evolutionary changes 2700 years ago
How about a Synthetic Gecko foot?
DARPA restores challenge prize money
Spyware installed thanks to Microsoft, Ford Motor and New York Times
The friggin RIAA asked the government for permissions to pay songwriters less
Merriam-Webster calls 'Truthiness' their 2006 Word of the Year
Wow.... if you want to know why arsonists are being released from jail....
Info on 2007 Independent Games Festival finalists
Attorneys in Washington DC try to do away with the 2nd Amendment
Even though I am now against internal combustion engines, this article does mention Dr. Emmet Brown's Delorean, so I will list it
Verizon doesn't know the difference between $0.002 dollars and $0.002 cents
Hahaha! The newly "secure" Windows Vista Enterprise fan be activated via a spoofed server
How about the 'Open Source Car' project?
A terabyte of data on a regular dvd?
WILL POWER!![]() | I hope they don't take away the right to bare arms. I like my t-shirts. Posted by WILL POWER! on Mon Dec 11 05:42:00 PST 2006 |
MySpace Blogs
08 December 2006
DIY Projects
How-To: Build your own HD projector
Your own HMDMake your own Cintiq (think Dino's monitor)
$5 EEPROM Programmer
News from the Net
Sony to switch battery types
There were evidentally 134 KNOWN journalists in jail on Dec 1. 49 of those were Internet journalists.
HP buys off California's Attorney General's office.
6Gbps over wireless achieved
So I knew that the old Netscape people were planning on making an MMO... And now I know which one... Firefly MMOG
Anyone who hates the RIAA will LOVE to see how well they can read
21 year study says cell phones are safe
German Minister of the Interior seeks jail time for thos who develop, publish OR PLAY violent video games
Surprisingly, Best Buy instituted flex time, done away with schedules, done away with mandatory meetings and impression-management...
It appears Sex Offenders will start having a hard time being social online.
Simple reason to vote against Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton
RIAA Victims file class action lawsuit against Kazaa
NIST rejects paper trail for evoting because you would have to reinstall the system hardware
$1 million proof that anti-spyware companies were behind anti-spyware
oooh! A new toy!!!! A table-top particle accelerator!!!
WILL POWER!![]() | Firefly MMO? w00t! Posted by WILL POWER! on Fri Dec 08 08:43:00 PST 2006 |
Sylkwyrm![]() | Firefly MMORPG! W00t! ![]() Posted by Sylkwyrm on Fri Dec 08 19:03:00 PST 2006 |